Monday, February 9, 2009

So Much To Do, So Much Time

The sleep cycle has been giving me trouble these last two days: it is difficult to fall asleep for naps during the day and and I stayed up until 6am this morning only to wake up at 11am after the "25 minute" nap. It's also annoying when I'm doing something with friends and realize that I have to go back to the dorm and take a nap. I can already see that while this is a highly efficient sleep cycle, the fact that everyone else is on a monophasic cycle is going to make it troublesome. I have failed twice so far in staying up all 21 hours, but I am determined to adjust and embrace this cycle, even if I switch back soon after.

On a more positive note, I have been making headway on the Intellectual Stoner blog with two articles banked, a thousand ideas and owneership of I am having some trouble transferring the blog over to the domain but I will report when it is up and running. The response from my friends and everyone else in the dorm to this marijuana-blog idea has been tremendous, even beyond my expectations. There are countless smokers in my dormitory and several people have already expressed interest in writing guest articles. I'm hoping that the web-users will have the same response so that I can get enough traffic/ad-clicks to fund the trip, but I'm probably going to set up another business to supplement it.

With respect to the actual trip, I'm looking closely at Spain and Germany as potential locations for my first country. I've read a lot of good things about both which have all been backed up by friends who have been to the countries. However, most of my time recently has been spent on Intellectual Stoner so I don't have any other updates about the trip itself. That's all for now.

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