Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Start of a Great Semester

Today I started thinking about all of the things that I want to accomplish this semester with all of the extra time I will have by not attending any classes. Well, at least besides the one taking me to China over spring break for $150. I've been really into a couple of personal-growth blogs, mainly, and All three either directly talk of or reference manifestation and related topics like visualization and dreams. I have also read The New Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz and am currently reading The Four-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss, both of which I'll review later in this blog. Through the research I've done on through these blogs and books, I have determined a pretty extensive list of goals I want to reach before summer begins. They are as follows:

- learn to lucid dream efficiently and possibly move on to astral projection
- switch over to a poly-phasic sleep cycle with 25 minute naps every 4 hours
- improve visualization ability using techniques from
- improve memory using techniques from books and
- perfect ability to manifest my true desires
- plan out the entire move to Europe or whatever continent I choose to go to
- produce a sustainable source of income to fund my trip
- reduce alcohol and illegal substance intake
- gain 20 lbs in muscle and start eating better to aid the change in sleep cycle
- post something on this blog everyday
- finish reading The Four-Hour Work Week, The Golden Key and 7 books on tape
- master meditation using binaural beats and other audio files focuses on relaxation

I'll be adding to that over the next couple of days as well so it's going to be a hard semester even though I have no classes. These are the tools that I think are necessary for my trip to be a success. People are continually asking me why I am doing this and up until this point I haven't really been able to pinpoint a specific reason. The reason is simple: I want to improve myself by becoming a warrior in order to survive being hurdled into the unknown. Sounds fun right? Yup, that's what I'm thinking, especially compared to my Math 218 Statistics class. I'm very excited.

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